Meet the Mom Whose Viral Primal Scream Was Heard Around the World

Colette Brown for MSNBC

Inspired by a pandemic-fatigued mom from Boston, groups from New Orleans, Louisiana, Roanoke, Virginia and Anchorage, Alaska are now also planning group primal screams.

Colette Ingrid Brown, a psychotherapist at A Good Place Therapy, detailed the process by which screaming releases negative emotions and stress: “When we draw in a deep breath from the diaphragm to perform the scream, the vagus nerve…activates the parasympathetic nervous system known as the relaxation response thus calming the brain's stress response.”

In the case of this group scream, Brown said that the pandemic has amplified “the onslaught of stressors” mothers faced before the pandemic—like juggling childcare, work, relationships and the mental load. Brown said, “These women are at the breaking point because relief does appear to be coming any time soon for them, their families or their communities. In fact, the stressors keep ramping up with every passing day.”

Screaming together with other humans who have the same frustrations and challenges provides the connection we so crave.

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